Selectively capture calendar events

Choose which Teams meetings you capture

Written by Abigail Campbell
Updated over a week ago

Instead of inviting Supernormal to all meetings, you can opt to only capture specific meetings.

To change your auto-preferences

  1. Select "Join only when I invite [email protected]" on your Account Settings page.

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select "Save changes"

Adding Supernormal to specific meetings only

Before the meeting starts → Invite via calendar event

When your calendar is synced with Supernormal, you can add Supernormal to any meeting by adding [email protected] as an invitee/participant on the calendar event. Note that you must sync your calendar with Supernormal for this method to work.

During the meeting → invite from the “Share meeting” flow within Teams

To add Supernormal to a Teams meeting while the meeting is in progress, invite [email protected] to the meeting.

From the meeting screen, click "People", then "Share invite", then "Share via default email".

Send the email that populates to [email protected] from the email address that is associated with your Supernormal account. After a few seconds, the Supernormal AI bot will join the meeting, at which point the meeting will start to be recorded.

❗ A few important things to keep in mind!

⏳ It can take up to 60 seconds for the Supernormal AI bot to join a call after the invite has been sent. Please be patient!

🤝 The meeting host must allow the Supernormal bot to join the call. If the host does not let the bot in, Supernormal cannot transcribe or record the meeting.

✉️ The email to [email protected] MUST come from the email address that is linked to your Supernormal account. Sending it from a different email address will not work.

After the meeting has ended

Shortly after your meeting has concluded, you will get an email from Supernormal letting you know that your meeting and meeting summary are ready to review. You will also see the meeting under Your Meetings on the Supernormal home page.

❗ NOTE: removing the Supernormal bot from the meeting part-way through will end the transcription (and recording) at that point. You will be able to see the only the section of the meeting during which the bot was a participant.

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