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Importing a recording

Get notes and transcripts for any meeting you've already recorded

Miguel Velazquez avatar
Written by Miguel Velazquez
Updated over a week ago

If you have a Pro or Business account, Supernormal can generate notes and a transcript for meetings that you've recorded elsewhere.

Importing a video

To import a video, click on the "Import" button in the right-hand side of the navigation bar. You'll see the following modal appear. Simply drag your video file, or click "Select a file to upload", to choose the meeting file you want to import.

Once you've selected the file, click "Upload" and that's it! The video will upload and you'll see a meeting page generated for it. Once the meeting transcript has been processed, you'll be able to generate notes by selecting a template.

Note: It can take 10 to 30 minutes for the transcript and notes to generate for an imported meeting, longer yet for meetings an hour and longer, so if you see the screen above after you've imported a video, please wait and then refresh the page.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I import an audio-only recording of a meeting?

Yes, a recording does not need to have video in order to generate notes and a transcript, but it does need to be in a supported file type (Webm or MP4).

Why am I not seeing a transcript or notes for my imported meeting?

It takes time for a transcript and notes to generate for imports. Please wait a few minutes and then refresh the page. For meetings shorter than an hour, if after 30 minutes you're still not seeing notes or a transcript, get in touch with our team via the Intercom button on the bottom right-hand side of your screen.

Is there a limit to how long a recorded meeting can be?

Supernormal will generate notes and a transcript for recorded meetings that are up to 3 hours long, so long as the file size is less than 1GB.

Note: Transcriptions can not be broken out by speaker for imported audio and video. It will be available in monologue formatting. If you need a dialogue format, we suggest inviting Supernormal to your meetings when possible.

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