Supernormal automatically generates and assigns tasks to meeting participants based on the conversation. On the Tasks page, you can view and manage your assigned tasks, create new ones, and do much more to keep all your to-dos organized in one convenient place.
A task includes:
Status (Inbox, Todo, Done)
Meeting reference (if applicable)
Where to find tasks
Tasks Page
The Tasks page provides a centralized view of all tasks assigned to you, accessible from the left navigation sidebar. Tasks are organized in a kanban-style board based on status and ordered by most recent activity:
Inbox: Your backlog of tasks
Todo: Tasks you're currently working on
Done: Your recent completed tasks
Meeting Notes
Tasks automatically generated from meetings appear directly within the meeting note, giving you context about where they originated.
Creating Tasks
Tasks can be created in two places. On the Tasks page and in a meeting note.
From Tasks Page
Click the plus button in any column
Enter task title and press ‘enter’
Note: Tasks created here are assigned to you and do not have meeting reference link
From Meetings
Click 'Add task...' below the meeting's task list
Enter task title and press 'enter'
Assign to any meeting participant
Editing tasks
Click on a task to view and edit any details. All meeting participants are able to edit task details when created in a meeting note.
Edit task title and description
You can edit the title and description by selecting them directly and editing inline.
Change task status
You can change a task's status in two ways:
Drag tasks between columns for quick updates on the Task page.
Use the status dropdown on a task.
Reassign task
Supernormal will automatically assign tasks that it generates from meetings. These tasks can be assigned to anyone from the meeting. Tasks you create from the Task page are assigned to you and cannot currently be reassigned.
Note: The ability to assign tasks created from the Task page are in the works.
Send task to integrations
You can send a task to a number of 3rd party task management tools using integrations. Select ‘Send task to…’ and choose an integration.
You can comment on a task from the comment section at the bottom of a task detail.
Delete tasks
Delete tasks using any of these methods:
Tasks page: Drag to the 'Trash' zone at the bottom.
Meeting note: Use the ••• menu while hovering over the task.
Task details: Select 'Delete task' from the ••• menu.
Tasks created from the task page are visible only to the creator. Tasks created by Supernormal from meetings are visible and assignable to all meeting participants in each note.
Sharing tasks
Share a task link using the ••• menu in task details. Tasks will only be visible to other organization members if the task is referenced in a meeting note.
Note: Enhanced team sharing features are in the works.
Task notifications
Receive in-app and email notifications when:
Tasks are manually assigned to you
New comments on tasks assigned to you
New comments on tasks you commented on
Tasks you commented on are marked Done
Note: Controls over what email notifications you want to receive are in the works.