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Creating groups

Share videos with specific teammates easily using groups

Fabian Perez avatar
Written by Fabian Perez
Updated over 5 months ago

Groups are a great way to organize your meeting notes. Whether it be by client, project, or type of meeting, groups allow you to share specific meetings with select members of your team.

Creating a Group

  1. Create a new group

  2. Configure the group
    Choose a name and privacy level. Groups are private by default, so you’ll want to add teammates by name or email to give them access. Alternatively, you can make your group public within your organization by unselecting Invite only.

Tip: Public groups are useful for organizing content, while private groups are useful for sharing with a limited set of people.

You can rename and add or remove members at any time by visiting your group’s settings. You can also link your new group to a channel in your Slack workspace, read more about that here.

Sharing to a group

You’ll now see your new group listed as a sharing option from the "Add Group" field in a note. You and members of your new group will be notified via email any time a new note is shared.

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